The Beginning Of Great Things
The kollel was founded...
Kollel L’dayonus Manchester – is an innovative project designed to enable the highest caliber of Choshen Mishpot study, at a level aimed at producing those who can offer services in return to their communities. The project is designed to imitate the extremely successful methods of Harav Fleishman Shlita in Yerusholayim, which claims amongst its alumni those such as Dayan Hool Shlita and Dayan Schonfeld Shlita who now act as Dayonim in London.
The Kollel currently benefits from the guidance of Rabbi Aryeh Thumim Shlita and Dayan Chaim Krausz Shlita of Gateshead who are renowned for their tremendous experience in the practical aspects of Choshen Mishpot as well as their erudite knowledge of the subject.
PR Rep
Choshen Mishpat
Much experience with practical sheilas
The Beginning Of Great Things
The kollel was founded...
2+ Avreichim Join
Still going strong!
Expert Selection & Training
We have worked with many of the best experts in the field, and we are continuing to cultivate new experts...
It's Up To You
We need you. Donate now!
Amazing Kollel
Highly recommended!
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A Lawyers Newest Resolution Legal productivity is being slammed by a toxic work culture according to a recent survey from across the pond. This may come as no surprise to legal workers here in the United States, as the relentless pressure of law practice often creates a toxic culture in law departments. In many…
According to 250 In-House Attorneys, This is a Must Have Legal productivity is being slammed by a toxic work culture according to a recent survey from across the pond. This may come as no surprise to legal workers here in the United States, as the relentless pressure of law practice often creates a toxic…
According to 250 In-House Attorneys, This is a Must Have Legal productivity is being slammed by a toxic work culture according to a recent survey from across the pond. This may come as no surprise to legal workers here in the United States, as the relentless pressure of law practice often creates a toxic…
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